
I am a huge fan of reading books. Earlier, I would read a lot of fictional books but lately, I have been getting into non-fiction books.


Why Discoveries in Bookland

I realized that although I was reading a lot of books with a lot of takeaways, I was forgetting the takeaways after a while. This is an attempt to pen down my thoughts about the key ideas of the book.


  • The book I read
  • A short summary of the book.
  • Key Takeaways
  • A recommendation of whether I thought it was worth my time

Join me on the discovery

Here, I endeavor to put down the key ideas from the books I read. Every book you will see is a book I have actually read.

In the weeks that follow I'll be writing up posts for this series as I finish each book.

I hope you join me and I would love to hear your thoughts :)